I asked the fellah stacking these rocks, "Hey, how did you do this?" I immediately regretted asking that question because the answer was very obvious. He responded "I put on rock on top of the next..."
Ever wanted a towel but never wanted to bother with the folding, unfolding, and storing that towels require? Well hoo-doggy, then Magic Towels are for you!!!
All you need to have this awesome towel is a cup of water!!
Then Drop the towel capsule into the glass!Wait a few moments... Then pull that sucker out!
TADA!!!! A towel! Its wet so its not very good for drying things, but its great for scrubbing and throwing at people.
Best part is, we got 8 for a buck! High five for the recession!
Hey everyone! Nerdcorps latest show, the League of Super Evil launches on YTV this weekend! It's also airing on Cartoon Network tonight at 9!
I had the pleasure of working on this show for just shy of a year, and it was a blast! I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I think the entire crew should be proud of their work! Good job guys!
I think my favorite episode is "Escape From Skullosis", its friggin hilarious. Watch it!
LOSE airs on Saturday, March 7th, on YTV at 10:30 am and 6pm! Check out the site!