Friday, January 30, 2009

New Sufjan Stevens!

Sufjan Stevens rocks. Heres his latest sampling from the new album due out Feb 16! I'm not to sure what to make of it, its a bit odd, but listen and decide for yourself!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Adrenaline Kid

Pop-punk band, Adrenaline Kid, found my work online and contracted me to create a CD cover for them. Heres what I have so far, I think its the final, there might be a few tweaks but we shall see. Click here to listen to Adrenaline Kid!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Photos from NYC/Montreal

My bro and I wandered around New york and Montreal over the holiday. Here's a few of the photos, click here to see the rest!

tired tourists
Central Park
96th street

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2008 in review!

Every blogger seems to do one of these, so I figured I'd take a stab at it! Plus it marks the one year anniversary of Nate is smrt! (which he isn't, by the way)

Top Ten Movies:

10- In Bruges - This one caught me by surprise, its a fun dark little comedy. If anything, its worth a watch to see Colin Ferrel's reaction to the midget character.

9-Role models - Freakin funny. Falls apart at the end a bit, but a hell of a lot of fun!

8-Tropic Thunder - Kirk Lazarus. Nuff said.

7-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Everyone wants to see a senile baby!

6-The Fall- this movie kicks so much ass. Its my understanding that the script was mostly improvised over the 7 year shoot, so the story isnt really concrete. What drew me into this film was the gorgeous cinematography. A must see for any aspiring cinematographers/photographers/filmmakers!

5- Son of Rambow - a cute little movie about a kid who decides to re-shoot his own version of rambo. The french exchange student was hilarious

4-Kung Fu Panda - awesome animation, great story, and it was funny as stink!

3- The Dark Knight - its no "batman and robin" but I guess it will do..

2- Wall-E - When I first saw this film I thought the plot was too "small", given the epic scale of the film. But after another viewing, the simplistic love story set against a grand backdrop is what drew me in. Again, Pixar knocks it out of the park.

1- The Wrestler - Easily one of the best films I've seen in a long time. A much smaller story compared to "The Fountain", but its just as heartbreaking and consuming. Its a simple tale, but made up of so many great moments and a tender sense of humor. Go see this.

Top Albums of 08

Vampire Weekend, Mogwai- The Hawk is Howling, Beck - Modern Guilt, m83 - Saturdays=youth, The Notwist - The devil, you, and me, Coldplays new one, Sigur Ros's new one, Kings of Leon - Only by the Night, Ben Folds - way to normal.

Overall, 2008 was a great year! I got back into painting, I introduced a new member into our family (my niece Rachel) and I hung out a lot with my close friends and family.

Happy new year to all those who read this! Heres to a prosperous 2009! wee!