Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Peters. A Comic.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hot Wheels Trailer
I'm not sure how long this has been out, but heres the trailer for the show Im currently working on: Hot Wheels-Battle Force Five.
I think Ive only got one shot in this trailer, right near the end there's a shot of the big metal guy jumping off the railings and landing near the camera. Yeehaw!
I think Ive only got one shot in this trailer, right near the end there's a shot of the big metal guy jumping off the railings and landing near the camera. Yeehaw!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
LIGHTNING REVIEW - The Brothers Bloom!

I really dug this film! I won't give too much of a summary because I knew very little going into this movie, and I found myself pleasantly surprised!
Anyways, heres what was awesome about this flick and why you should see it!
-Soundtrack- Nathan Johnson composed an elegant and lively score. I will be buying it asap!
-Characters- Some critics are saying there isn't much to like in the characters in this film, but I disagree. Penelope & Bang Bang were lots of fun to watch!
-Amazing writing- I must give some mad props to Rian Johnson, he's constructed a script with dialogue so elegant it was like fine silk linen for your ears!
-Cinematogrpahy- Was effin dope!
-Chainsaw juggling!- nuff said!
So, if you like all of those things- check out this flick!! I'm saddened that it didn't get a wider release!
(I've embedded the trailer, but it does give away a bit too much, in my opinon. so watch at your own risk!)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Reno 5669-4

I thought it would be fun to do a portrait of an old mugshot. I found a lot of scanned mugshots on google, dating back to the 1920s! I wasn't trying to replicate the image, but just use it as a springboard to get me in the right direction. Theres a lot that I still have to learn, and I think I'll do a few more and see what pops up.
(this photo is cropped- I'll take another photo later!)
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kinda forgot I had a blog. Sorry I've been so distant! Lots is going on and I'll post more soon. For the 4 of you that may be interested, Ive really gotten obsessed with twitter and I try to post funny stuff on there. In the mean time - heres a pic I took! Hope everyones having a good summer!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Box Throw Animation
Just did a quick little box throw the other day. Took like 25 min, and was fun to be animating in 2d again! I need to brush up!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
gone fishin'
Friday, May 29, 2009

In this lightning review, we here at Nate is Smrt have chosen to review Twitter - the popular social networking website.
What is Twitter? You ask.
Twitter is an index full of geniuses spouting usefull information that will change the way you view the world. Like for example, I learned that Ashton Kutcher's favorite emoticon is this- :-S
Is it Easy?
Sure is! If it lets you login! And then, once you have logged in by resetting your password 4 times, the site will usually crash around 40 times an hour.
Final Verdic?
Crap. Don't waste your time
And with all that said, I just signed up. Click here to follow me on Twitter.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Review: Wolverine
Wolverine was awful!
Heres a few problems I had with the film:
A) Canadians are backwater hicks who'd rather fight than move their trucks off the road.
-Hah! Everytime I've kindly asked a fellow Canuck to move out of the way, I get an apology and a donut. No need to bare the claws there wolvey! You're doing it all wrong!
B) 1979
-This film is set in 1979. They didn't show any new cars or anything, BUT they somehow had 3d renderings of Wolverines skeleton up on their lcd computer screens.
C) Its a Huge turd
-If you like good movies, dont go see this one.
Heres a few problems I had with the film:
A) Canadians are backwater hicks who'd rather fight than move their trucks off the road.
-Hah! Everytime I've kindly asked a fellow Canuck to move out of the way, I get an apology and a donut. No need to bare the claws there wolvey! You're doing it all wrong!
B) 1979
-This film is set in 1979. They didn't show any new cars or anything, BUT they somehow had 3d renderings of Wolverines skeleton up on their lcd computer screens.
C) Its a Huge turd
-If you like good movies, dont go see this one.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Beeker Rules
Ive watched this video multiple times today, I just can't get enough!
As an animator, its my job to turn lifeless computer puppets into living, breathing characters, and I've always loved how much personality can be expressed through the muppets. The muppeteers do so much with so little!
Beaker is effing great! This video is some great animation reference. Its amazing how such a subtle head tilt and hand pose can convey so much character!
Anyways, watch and enjoy! I hope they bring the muppets back to television soon.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Flying Blue Death Monster
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Some photos from last weekend
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Magic Towels!

Ever wanted a towel but never wanted to bother with the folding, unfolding, and storing that towels require? Well hoo-doggy, then Magic Towels are for you!!!
All you need to have this awesome towel is a cup of water!!

Then Drop the towel capsule into the glass!

TADA!!!! A towel! Its wet so its not very good for drying things, but its great for scrubbing and throwing at people.
Best part is, we got 8 for a buck! High five for the recession!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
League of Super Evil Launches!!

Hey everyone!
Nerdcorps latest show, the League of Super Evil launches on YTV this weekend! It's also airing on Cartoon Network tonight at 9!
I had the pleasure of working on this show for just shy of a year, and it was a blast! I'm very happy with how it turned out, and I think the entire crew should be proud of their work! Good job guys!
I think my favorite episode is "Escape From Skullosis", its friggin hilarious. Watch it!
LOSE airs on Saturday, March 7th, on YTV at 10:30 am and 6pm!
Check out the site!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Who Is Nathan Thomas??
I decided that its time to do some deep soul searching.
I started on my journey by asking myself, "Who is Nathan Thomas?"
And I took my journey to the one who knows all - Google.
Turns out Nathan Thomas is a pretty cool dude!!
Nathan Thomas is:
a) A well known and respected interior designer
b) A talented musician
c) Dead

d) A hardcore sports fan
e) and my personal fave....
I started on my journey by asking myself, "Who is Nathan Thomas?"
And I took my journey to the one who knows all - Google.
Turns out Nathan Thomas is a pretty cool dude!!
Nathan Thomas is:
a) A well known and respected interior designer
b) A talented musician
c) Dead
d) A hardcore sports fan

e) and my personal fave....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hidden Fortress Photo Shoot

I was approached by a friend to take some photos for his band, Hidden Fortess. It was a lot of fun but I still have much to learn.
As per usual, these are pretty desaturated. I should quit doing that.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Interesting Project
My co-worker Wade Cross recently discovered that his short film had been copied shot for shot by a Student in Saudi Arabia.
Wades film is in the top left.
He states that he is simply trying to improve his animation by copying Wades, but what do you guys think? Is this a form of flattery or straight up plagiarism?
Wades film is in the top left.
He states that he is simply trying to improve his animation by copying Wades, but what do you guys think? Is this a form of flattery or straight up plagiarism?
Monday, February 9, 2009
David Bazan Does Anacortes

Last weekend I got to check out David Bazan (formerly of Pedro the Lion) in the little city of Anacortes, Washington. He's got to be my favorite musician. Right now hes flying solo, and frankly I think he really needs a band. But with that said , hes still rockin! He's a great songwriter! Check out his myspace.
Anacortes is a fun little city just on the coast, and about an hour and a half from Vancouver! Look at all this fun stuff we found!

Nate is Rich?

Check out Stimator, a website that calculates how much your website is worth.
I don't know why my blog is worth 5 million, but if its on the internet - its gotta be
Friday, February 6, 2009
nate is famous!
Nate isn't really famous. But check it out! Radbot has been featured on "Your Dress Would Look Better on Me". Or YDWLBOM. Pronounced "Yedwulbomb." Or "Yeddlebomb". Okay I made those up.
Check it out!
Thanks for the link Yeddlebomb!
Check it out!
Thanks for the link Yeddlebomb!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Adrenaline Kid

Pop-punk band, Adrenaline Kid, found my work online and contracted me to create a CD cover for them. Heres what I have so far, I think its the final, there might be a few tweaks but we shall see. Click here to listen to Adrenaline Kid!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Photos from NYC/Montreal
My bro and I wandered around New york and Montreal over the holiday. Here's a few of the photos, click here to see the rest!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
2008 in review!
Every blogger seems to do one of these, so I figured I'd take a stab at it! Plus it marks the one year anniversary of Nate is smrt! (which he isn't, by the way)
Top Ten Movies:
10- In Bruges - This one caught me by surprise, its a fun dark little comedy. If anything, its worth a watch to see Colin Ferrel's reaction to the midget character.
9-Role models - Freakin funny. Falls apart at the end a bit, but a hell of a lot of fun!
8-Tropic Thunder - Kirk Lazarus. Nuff said.
7-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Everyone wants to see a senile baby!
6-The Fall- this movie kicks so much ass. Its my understanding that the script was mostly improvised over the 7 year shoot, so the story isnt really concrete. What drew me into this film was the gorgeous cinematography. A must see for any aspiring cinematographers/photographers/filmmakers!
5- Son of Rambow - a cute little movie about a kid who decides to re-shoot his own version of rambo. The french exchange student was hilarious
4-Kung Fu Panda - awesome animation, great story, and it was funny as stink!
3- The Dark Knight - its no "batman and robin" but I guess it will do..
2- Wall-E - When I first saw this film I thought the plot was too "small", given the epic scale of the film. But after another viewing, the simplistic love story set against a grand backdrop is what drew me in. Again, Pixar knocks it out of the park.
1- The Wrestler - Easily one of the best films I've seen in a long time. A much smaller story compared to "The Fountain", but its just as heartbreaking and consuming. Its a simple tale, but made up of so many great moments and a tender sense of humor. Go see this.
Top Albums of 08
Vampire Weekend, Mogwai- The Hawk is Howling, Beck - Modern Guilt, m83 - Saturdays=youth, The Notwist - The devil, you, and me, Coldplays new one, Sigur Ros's new one, Kings of Leon - Only by the Night, Ben Folds - way to normal.
Overall, 2008 was a great year! I got back into painting, I introduced a new member into our family (my niece Rachel) and I hung out a lot with my close friends and family.
Happy new year to all those who read this! Heres to a prosperous 2009! wee!
Top Ten Movies:
10- In Bruges - This one caught me by surprise, its a fun dark little comedy. If anything, its worth a watch to see Colin Ferrel's reaction to the midget character.
9-Role models - Freakin funny. Falls apart at the end a bit, but a hell of a lot of fun!
8-Tropic Thunder - Kirk Lazarus. Nuff said.
7-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button- Everyone wants to see a senile baby!
6-The Fall- this movie kicks so much ass. Its my understanding that the script was mostly improvised over the 7 year shoot, so the story isnt really concrete. What drew me into this film was the gorgeous cinematography. A must see for any aspiring cinematographers/photographers/filmmakers!
5- Son of Rambow - a cute little movie about a kid who decides to re-shoot his own version of rambo. The french exchange student was hilarious
4-Kung Fu Panda - awesome animation, great story, and it was funny as stink!
3- The Dark Knight - its no "batman and robin" but I guess it will do..
2- Wall-E - When I first saw this film I thought the plot was too "small", given the epic scale of the film. But after another viewing, the simplistic love story set against a grand backdrop is what drew me in. Again, Pixar knocks it out of the park.
1- The Wrestler - Easily one of the best films I've seen in a long time. A much smaller story compared to "The Fountain", but its just as heartbreaking and consuming. Its a simple tale, but made up of so many great moments and a tender sense of humor. Go see this.
Top Albums of 08
Vampire Weekend, Mogwai- The Hawk is Howling, Beck - Modern Guilt, m83 - Saturdays=youth, The Notwist - The devil, you, and me, Coldplays new one, Sigur Ros's new one, Kings of Leon - Only by the Night, Ben Folds - way to normal.
Overall, 2008 was a great year! I got back into painting, I introduced a new member into our family (my niece Rachel) and I hung out a lot with my close friends and family.
Happy new year to all those who read this! Heres to a prosperous 2009! wee!
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