Sunday, October 26, 2008

Parade of the Lost Souls

I rented a lens for the weekend, a Canon 2.8 70-200mm! Its one of the best lenses one can find, and using it was quite a joy. I Never want to go back to the glass that I own.

Anyways, heres a few pics from the parade of the lost souls that went down this weekend, and a few others I took while wandering around town.

Click here to see the rest of the set on flickr!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monster Guy

Heres a painting I'm working on, I might add a bit more to it, we'll see how it goes!
let me know what ya think, I'm always looking to improve!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lots of stuff has been happening lately, sorry for the lack of posts!
I went to kelowna for thanksgiving last weekend, it was a blast!
Here are a few of the pics I took!I have no head

some dolphins

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I got a message a few weeks ago from a young gent at work:

[16:35] he always bugs me about this shit and i'm like figure it out it's not my porblem!

Nathan Thomas
[16:35] yeah porblems suck
[16:36] arnt porblems from outerspace?

Nils Lundmark-Searing
[16:36] yeah they're some crazy shit man

Nathan Thomas
[16:36] i just drew you a porblem

I then sent Nils this file:
..and now, everyones making their own porblems!

Check out our collection...