I've always liked to take panoramic photographs.
I have a crappy little camera, so my photos never really turn out THAT great. But its fun to experiment right?

Heres one of my first panos I've ever done. Kelowna golf course. Nothing fancy!

Another of my early ones, This time its downtown vancouver.
My friend Brad stitched it together, thats why it looks like doodie.

Another Vancouver shot.

This here is ground zero in new york.

My camera died half way through, otherwise this one would have been awesome.

yankee stadium

Im pretty happy with how this one turned out.
Anyways, this is just a few of the panos I've taken over the years. I used to just stitch them together using photoshop (which is retarded, don't do it).
Now that I've been learned, I use this little free program called
Panotools. Enjoy!